Meet the Team
Mrs McConway - 2M Teacher
Miss Bingley - 2B Teacher
Mrs Cairns - TA
Mrs Creswell-Hibbert - TA
Mrs Deakin - TA
Mrs Arrand-Lacey - TA
Mrs Traczykowski - KS1 co-ordinator
Important Information
First day back - Monday 15th April
Residential Meeting - Tuesday 16th April - 3:40
Deposit for residential - Friday 19th April
Final payments for residential - Friday 13th May
Summit day - Friday 25th May
Break up - Friday 25th May
Keeping in Touch!
If you have any questions/concerns please feel free to email us using the Year 2 email.
Useful Documents
Homework Timetable
Spelling Bee - Summer 1
Group 1 - 5 spellings
Extra Homework Ideas
Useful Websites
Use the picture links below to access these useful websites
Purple Mash - School's online learning platform
How to use Purple Mash for parents
If you require your Parental Purple Mash login again, please contact school.
Summer 1
This half term we will be learning about:
The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark
We will be looking the story, 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark.'
We will be learning about the different sentence openers, and how to make sentences more descriptive using adjectives and interesting verbs.
Bird Feeders
We will be looking at instructions about how to make a bird feeder.
We will look at the features of instructions and writing our own set of instructions.
Remember, Remember
- Remember to punctuate your work correctly.
- Use conjunctions to extend sentences.
Addition - column
Subtraction - column
Please help your child to learn these key number facts
- number bonds to 20
- 5 times tables
- 2 times tables
Your child will bring home a pack of power-up flash cards. Please practice these daily.
Foundation Subjects
We will be learning about ...
We will be learning about plant and trees.
- name different tress
- know what plants and trees need to survive
- observing plants grow
Remember, Remember
- Names of different types of trees
- Name the parts of a tree
In art we will be learning about the job of an architect.
We will looking at different building around the word as inspiration for our ideas and then using these to create our own structures.
Empty Boxes
Please could you save and send in empty cardboard boxes for our project. Please remember that we are a nut free school. Thank you
We will be looking at the skills needed to type.
Austerfield 2023
Well done to all our Year 2 children! You were amazing on our trip to Austerfield. We hope you enjoy sharing some of our happy memories.
Useful Information
PE - Invasion Games
PE is on Wednesday this half term
Weather permitting, we will do PE outside. Please ensure your child has a white t-shirt, tracksuit bottoms/leggings, a sweatshirt/jumper and trainers/pumps.
Spelling Test
Spelling test will be on Monday.
Reading books will be changed every Friday.
Please write in your child's diary each time they read at home so they can earn reading points!
This term we will be completing pages from the English and Maths Homework Books. You will find a list of the pages that need to be completed in the back of your child's Spelling Bee. Please return homework on Wednesday each week.
Please ensure your child has the following in school every day:
- Reading log
- Reading book
- PE Kit
- Water Bottle
We will learning about Whitby
We will revisit the countries of the UK and its surrounding seas
We will locate Whitby on a map and identify features of the coast.
We will be identifying human and physical features of Whitby, and comparing it with Worksop.
Remember, Remember
- The 4 countries that make up the United Kingdom - England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales
- The seas surrounding the UK - North Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Irish Sea, English Channel
We will be learning about what is means to belong.
We will be looking at how people from different faith show they belong.
We will look at how Christians are baptised to show they belong to the Christian faith.
It would be lovely to see a photo if your child was baptised. Please send them in, Thank you
Remember, Remember!
Click on the picture links below to access websites
Seven Continent Song