Curriculum Leadership & Management
Subject Leadership -Core Curriculum and Curriculum Champions
Our Phase Leaders also take up a whole school responsibility within their role, effectively leading a Curriculum Team. We take our Core to be English & Mathematics.
To support the development of children and enable effective practice across the school we have one leader for Mathematics and two for English- one for Foundation/KS1 and one with responsibility for KS2.
Curriculum Teams
To manage the monitoring and development of the curriculum in a sustainable and purposeful way, we organise our teaching staff into Curriculum Teams. Each Team has a member from each Phase to facilitate feedback between the two structures.
To support the development of and progress of children through Foundation Curriculum areas we have Curriculum Champions rather than Subject Leaders. SLT will act as Core Subject Leaders within the Curriculum Teams for English and Maths -monitoring, understanding and leading the curriculum and its development towards ever increasing effectiveness across the school.
Team distribution:
English |
Maths |
Science |
Pastoral |
Music |
Geography History |
Design Technology Computing |
PSHCE Disadvantage Well-Being |
Actions distinctive of a Subject Leader- SLT member
o Manage the moderation of assessment judgements across the school in their area
o Be able to account for the standards of attainment within year groups across the school
o Determine actions for school improvement including training needs and development opportunities
o Manage the self- evaluation of their subject with their Curriculum Team
o Manage the Curriculum Team’s Budget
Subject Leaders and Curriculum Champions will do of the following:
o Membership of the appropriate Curriculum Team
o Knowledge of the statutory requirements for each Phase within the subject
o Knowledge of the School’s Curriculum Statement regarding the subject and influence its development
o Knowledge of the latest school’s self-evaluation of the subject
o Maintain portfolio of ARE exemplar work
o Some subject areas- like PSHE, PE and MFL have some definite actions, even statutory ones, that need completing- Leaders and Champions will know what these are and diary them in.
Subject Leaders and Curriculum Champions will do some of the following:
o Have an understanding of various examples of best practice within the curriculum area- keeping up to date with professional reading
o Advocate for the subject within phases or year groups
o Maintain school planning documents
o Participate in local school networks relevant to the subject